Who does she BEAD she is?

Who does she BEAD she is? My other blog about beads, jewelry, art, and the process of creative and personal growth

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Men are Hideous...

But so are women, as shown by Brief Interviews with Hideous Men. Not a documentary, but a movie about a documentary. I love it!

I love the two guys who play "the mind" in the background, or at least that is my interpretation of their role. They make me wonder if they are right; the things they say sound so right.

It is about love...God, is there a theme today? Love and Documentary?

I also love the pervert guy, well maybe he's not really a perv, but I think he is really every guy, and the most honest guy.

I just know the guy who "has it all figured out" is going to say that the real secret is to let the woman serve the man!

The part I don't get is the part where the protagonist reminisces. Maybe because I identify; maybe because it is my fear to be there.

Awesome movie full of great words; the kind of movie you want to quote. It is as truthful about men as it is about women (which is the saving grace that keeps this movie what it is for BOTH sexes.)

"Deep down they want a man whose gonna be so passionate, so powerful, that they have no choice; this thing is bigger than both of them." So true; but not necessarily comfortable and perfect when you have it. When you have that, like when you were 15, as an adult you realize what a drug that is. To be taken, to be out of control, to want more; it is just as uncomfortable as having to rationalize and decide what to do and how to figure it out...what is the basis of that decision.

That guy, "the honest guy", the "every time" guy, is GOOOOOOOD (and so evil). He's the guy I think every guy really is; the guy I'm afraid of because I want what he is and says to be real and not just a game.

Oh, I could just keep this window open and provide commentary through the whole thing, but the point of this blog was to give you beads....not boulders!

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