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Friday, March 25, 2011

Punch Drunk Love...

What the heck is this movie about!? Is it about love? Is it about what happens when you repress your feelings? Is it about what happens when you are the only boy among 8 siblings? Is it about deceit? If it is about deceit I get how it applies to making a phone call to "chat" with a girl, but what are Barry's sisters deceiving him about? And if it is about deceit, is it really about how deep efforts to deceive can run?

The only reason I'm continuing to watch Punch Drunk Love is because I have high expectations of anything Adam Sandler does.  I feel deceived.

1 comment:

  1. Okay, NOW I know why I kept watching! There's some bizzare parts that make it worth watching! "I want to eat your eyeballs" never seemed like a romantic thing to say before! Classic: "Are you threatening me?!"
